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Make a donation

Help us fulfill our mission.


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How You Can Help

Your financial donation enables the Oakmont Asian Pacific Heritage and Culture Club to fulfill our mission to share Asian Pacific heritage and culture with the Oakmont community by providing a variety of social, cultural and educational events showcasing various customs and traditions.  All Oakmont residents are welcome to join, with a focus on Asian Pacific influences.


We are a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Our federal tax ID number is 33-2355541. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. You should consult your tax advisor for your particular situation.

  • Donate Online:

Use the form on this page.


  • Donate By Check

Mail a check made payable to:

Oakmont Asian Pacific Heritage and Culture Club

431 Twin Lakes Circle

Santa Rosa, CA


  • Give a Memorial Gift

To honor the memory of a family member or friend by contributing to the Asian Pacific Heritage and Culture Club, please write us at the above address and include the name of the individual you are honoring. Please state the designation of the gift, if you wish. We will contact the family to inform them that a donation has been made.

  • Join Our Legacy Circle by including the club in your Estate Plan

By including Oakmont Asian Pacific Heritage and Culture Club for future Oakmont residents.  Many tax-wise options are available for planned giving, such as bequests, charitable remainder unitrusts (CRUT), charitable remainder annuity trusts (CRAT) and gift annuities. Seek the advice of a qualified estate and/or tax professional when considering any form of a planned gift. To learn more about the Legacy Circle, please contact Gary Andersen, Board President, at

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